Saturday, February 2, 2013

Home Remedies For Injuries

You do not need to run to a doctor for every small cut, puncture or burn. Here are some home remedies that you can use as an alternative to conventional allopathic medicine for the treatment of everyday wounds. All the ingredients used for these remedies are cent per cent natural. Of course, do bear in mind, that for more severe wounds you must immediately call for medical assistance.

Cuts and scrapes.

The main danger in cuts and scrapes is bacterial infection. If you can get rid of the bacteria from the site of the wound, your body’s natural defenses will take over and heal the affected body part in time. Gently clean wounds with soapy water to remove dirt and pat dry. For a natural antibacterial ointment for the cut or wound, use honey. Dab a thin film of honey onto the area. Avoid covering the wound with a bandage if possible. Exposing the wound to air, speeds up the formation of a crust on it. Do call your doctor or local emergency services if the wound is:

- More than a quarter-inch deep
- More than an inch long
- Is gaping
- Is on the face

If the wound resulted because of contact with rusty metal, you must consider the possibility of tetanus. You will need to get a tetanus shot if it has been five years since your last shot. Try to get the shot on the same day or at least within forty eight hours of getting the wound.

Paper cuts.

For prompt relief from irritating paper cuts rub some chap stick on the cut.


To staunch bleeding from a cut, apply pressure directly on the cut with a clean towel or bandage. Then take one tea bag and immerse it in cold water till it is totally saturated. Wring about half of the water out, place the bag on the cut and apply mild pressure for at least 10 minutes. Repeat the process if the bleeding has not completely stopped. If severe bleeding is taking place, apply pressure on the pressure point closest to the cut and get the patient to a doctor as soon as possible. The patient’s life could depend on this.


The best thing for a burn is to apply water liberally. Do ensure that the water is not too hot or too cold. Blisters will be formed, but that is a part of the natural healing process. If you want to avoid blisters you could try one of these home remedies. Cut a tomato into wedges and rub one slice on the burn. The acid from the tomato takes the pain away and the burn will not blister. You can also use cold water and vinegar compresses until the pain goes away and then apply potato slices on the area.


To remove small splinters from the skin easily, wet a bar of soap and rub the sharp end of a sewing needle in it, so that the needle has a liberal coating of soap. Then rub the soapy needle in the opposite direction of the splinter. As soon as the splinter has some soap in it, squeeze it, and it should come right out. This method is painless and is good for children. For removing splinters of glass from the skin pour some hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The splinter will come out after a few minutes.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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