Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gymnastics Instructor and Coaching Tasks and Duties

Gymnasts Work Best Together, Not in Isolation

Keep gymnasts in groups working together for motivation and support. One of the best training tools is partners competing in practice everyday.

Hold Daily Practice Competition Exercises

The gym's system incorporates competition everyday - gymnastics, skill, conditioning, tumbling - some kind of competition everyday.

Solve Parent’s and Gymnast’s Problems – That’s Your Job

Consider yourself responsible and empowered to take care of our customers (parents) and their complaints by creating your own solutions to our client's (gymnast's) problems. It is your job to ensure the satisfaction of our customers and clients.

Follow-Up on Gymnasts Missing Practice

Track attendance and call gymnasts who have missed two or more days of practice and encourage them to get back in the gym.

Study the Rules of the Sport

Spend time monthly keeping up with the rule changes in the sport, especially the Elite Rule changes, which occur at each Elite National Technical meeting.

Study Gymnastics Videos

Arrange for someone to video each meet. View videos and review each gymnast's progress and performance. Revise intermediate and long-term goals as needed.

Continuously Improve Your Gym

Take responsibility for the safety, appearance and organization of the gym. If all is not as it should be, fix it or have someone fix it immediately.

Keep Networked

Get a copy of the address and phone list for each staff member, team member and family for your home so you can keep in touch when necessary.

Use Visual Aids

Create or obtain and post Gym and team progress charts - 10.0 skill achievement lists, gym records charts, bio-mechanical and technical charts, compulsory and optional checklists.

Attend to Gym Details

Track and list any needed training materials or equipment and give to owner/manager - e.g. chalk, straps, mat covers or repairs.

CYA (Cover Your Absences)

Notify owners, coaches, gymnasts and parents in advance of any known absences. Arrange for your own substitute or for coverage of all practices you may miss for any reason.

by John Howard

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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